A year ago, I sat down at Meadows Group with a bunch of my colleagues and my dear friend and escrow officer Kimberly Allen to create a vision board. I didn’t attend because of my faith in or zeal for vision boards. I attended to support my friend and because something in me decided this was maybe worthwhile. The room was full of women and my beloved touchy feely husband. I was present but skeptical sitting quietly near the head of the table with Kimberly (AKA the teacher).
With piles of magazines, stickers, scissors and more in front of me, I instantly dropped in. The chatter of the women around me became distant. I regressed to about age 8 and became completely absorbed, furiously cutting and designing. My love of creating and art took over. I felt grateful for the reprieve from my to-dos. My body relaxed. Kimberly sat steadily next to me and I felt her silent love and support.
This event was scheduled to be 1.5-2 hrs. Within 20-30 minutes from its start and just as others were starting to chose their images, I looked up and said enthusiastically, “I am done!” Then it hit me with childish embarrassment, the all too familiar feeling that I had been in my own world, completely oblivious to the “group” and stood as the forever hyper-focused, over-achiever that I had always been labeled as. On top of that, I had absolutely no interest in being polite and hanging around to sip wine and see what others had created. I had things to do.
Kimberly knows me. She smiled and we had a commemorating photo taken. I slipped up to my office, placed my vision board so that I could see it regularly and forgot about it.
Fast forward to about a month ago….
As I packed up my office at Meadows Group to start my new journey as my own brokerage, I picked up my vision board and put it in a box. Later that week, I had lunch with Kimberly and we chatted vision boards, new brokerages, Shasta Airflyte trailers, life.
Then it hit me right between my eyes…
One quarter of my vision board was plastered with an Airstream trailer with teal interior!!! There it was!!! I had envisioned my future office, a teal Shasta Airflyte and was about to step into this incredible new reality. Holy crap!!!
Scrolling back a few… When I pasted that Airstream on my vision board, my dreams were of a long road trip in 2019. That road trip did happen. This fall Bruce, the dogs and I camped, hiked and floated around for 19 blissful days. While on that road trip, I was asked to speak at an incredible conference called IAMWomanUp!!! in San Diego at the end of that month. The topic was Authenticity: Owning Your Brand. A few days after returning home from the road trip, I knew that I had to step into that authenticity and open my own brokerage and bring YogaBug into its next phase of growth. The missing piece was where would my office be? Then She appeared. My client Lisa was selling her Shasta Airflyte and moving across the country. One morning, I awoke and envisioned the Shasta in our driveway and my heart raced. She was the new YogaBug office!!!! I had been so out created!!!
Daring to envision is a brave and bold act. I witness this in my clients daily. Buyers dare to put their wish lists together knowing that the likelihood of getting all that they want in the form that they see is most likely not possible. We look for it regardless. Sellers take the great leap of faith of envisioning their next home, prepare their beloved space for sale and then there is the waiting for the perfect buyer.
It is when we are able to step into the role of being both the creators of our universe and simultaneously allowing the grace of something greater than us come in and out create our greatest imagination that the real magic happens. This is for the brave and bold. I am blessed to witness these miracles with my clients over and over again. Dare to aim high!!! Build the boat and let the River take you.
We would love for you to stop by and visit the new YogaBug Office. The tea is on and spirits are high!