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“The only thing that is constant is change.”   Heraclitus of Ephesus

If the word “change” makes your skin crawl, you are not alone. We Portlanders have had quite the summer of the “C” word. Since Mr. Heraclitus  insists that change is inevitable, below are some survival tools to help you keep your cool during the summer heat.

Cranes…..they are everywhere!!!!

According to the a recent article by KATU2, Portland has a total of 25 large construction cranes working in Portland right now, making this the fifth-busiest city in the United States for those kinds of cranes.  If you are like me and simply can’t begin to keep up with it all, the website Next Portland has a phenomenal map of all potential, proposed, current and completed construction in Portland. This map is also VERY valuable for buyers considering a home where a new building could alter their landscape in the near future!

Planes…..where did all these people come from!!!

We free-spirited, adventure loving folks like to travel and Portland International Airport anticipates we will break records this summer with 5.8 million of us pouring through PDX- (according to a KATU2 article). If you want to avoid the lines, PDX highly recommends checking out pre-check. PDX says that 92% of people with pre-check got through security lines in 5 minutes.  Also, construction projects could impact I-205 and Airport way. Check out the weekly construction updates, here.

Automobiles…..which ramp is closed now!!!

Carmageddon…It’s ALMOST over!!!  ODOT predicted the worst traffic in Portland in 10 years due to 1-84 and 1-5 interchange resurfacing this summer. If you were not able to take a 2 month vacation to avoid this mayhem, ODOT website can keep you up to date on what’s closing and when.

There is a breeze coming through my window as I write this and I feel change in the air. May our last weeks of summer be full of swimming holes, beaches, BBQs, time with friends and loved ones and perhaps an evening or two planning that fall road trip or getaway to Italy that you have been dreaming about all summer.



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